Mar 29, 2011

Sick Day

Baylee woke up too sick to go to school today.  She complained of a headache and a stomach ache.  I put her in my bed and gave her an ibuprofen.  An hour later she woke up and said she was feeling much much better.  But, as the day progressed I began to wonder if she was sick at all?  You decide?

Baylee's Bunnies

Mar 26, 2011

Baby Animals at our house

Certainly can tell it's spring at our house.  Lots of baby animals running around lately.

Mar 25, 2011


Mar 22, 2011

Quote For the Week

I love to be inspired. . . .so I've decided to find a quote that I want to incorporate into my life at least once a week. 

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway."

Mother Teresa

Mar 16, 2011

color correcting pictures

I finished an online mentoring class with Jodie at MCP actions.  I found the class very helpful.  It was the first time I had ever taken an online class with several other participants.  I was a little worried something might go wrong and I would miss the class or not be able to participate.  Everything was good.  It was a color correcting class.  I'm obsessed about getting the skin to have the exact measurements its supposed to so I loved it.  I found the best way to correct skin is with color curves.  Who knew?  I was always adjusting my color balance which I found out is definitely not the best way.  I love learning new things in photoshop so it was great.

Mar 11, 2011

Cori this is for you.

My sister Cori has spring break next week.  Since her husband is so busy with school she will be home with her kids without a whole lot to do.  Anyways, I love this little kid craft blog so here is the link.  Check it HERE.  And this one too - check HERE.

Mar 7, 2011

The many faces of Braxton

Braxton is such a ham.  He is an amazingly sweet boy.  I grew up in a family of seven kids - 5 girls and 2 boys.  My Mom claims (and I believe her because I was there) that her two boys were harder than her 5 girls put together.  With that said, I was afraid to have a boy.  I thought it would be so hard.  Braxton has made me totally change my mind about that.  He is so easy going and he is also a great politician.  He knows how to make each person in the family feel like they are the most special to him.  Just love this little guy.
Okay the above picture is the bug eye look.  He tends to squint for the camera so I say, "Open your eyes", and this is what I get.  Kinda funny.

Mar 6, 2011

Switching from Canon to Nikon

Many people jump into photography every day and wonder what they should buy Nikon or Canon.

First thing to know is that I have no clue how to use a Canon in manual.  I purchased a Nikon and read the manual and taught myself from reading online how to use the camera in manual.  I practiced, practiced, practiced.  With that said I often get asked if I can help someone use their canon in manual.  I can't.  I've kind of looked into it and it seemed complicated to me.  Nikon's just seem easier.  That's my opinion and probably not a fair one at that.  But, with that said I have noticed a few professional photographers that have switched from Canon to Nikon.  I have never seen any professional photographer go from Nikon to Canon.

Check out THIS and THIS.  On Pinkletoes blog (the last THIS) make sure you read the comments on her posts.  

Now, I also want to add that there are some amazing photographers that use canon.  This post is really just my opinion.  I think Nikon is a little more user friendly.

Finally, I have many friends/neighbors that have asked me to teach them how to take a picture like I do.  I feel the need to share whats in my camera bag so a person can understand that having the right equipment is what makes a professional photographers picture better than someone who owns a start up SLR.  Knowledge on how to use that equipment is key - most definitely - but still equipment is important. 

Here's whats in my bag:
Nikon D700
70-200 2.8 Nikor lens
50 mm 1.4 Nikor lens
105 mm 2.8 Nikor lens
SB 600 Speedlight

There is also several memory cards, gray cards, props, soft boxes etc etc. . . . .


Mar 4, 2011

What We've Been up to

I decided to let my kids make a little indoor garden.  They've had a fun time planting peas.  Hopefully it will warm up soon so we can plant them outside.

Also, I finally purchased a Bosch Mixer.  I've never owned a mixer at all so I'm really excited about this.  I'll have to post my sister's Bread recipe that she claims not even I can mess up . . . so we'll see how I do.  I'm planning on making bread this weekend.  I'm even planning on grinding my own wheat for the bread.  Wow, I'm feeling domestic.

Mar 2, 2011

A swollen mouth

Poor Baylee's cheek started to swell up last night right before bedtime.  We gave her Ibuprofen and then promptly took her into the orthodontist this morning.  Evidently the wires that were due to be cut on the back of her mouth had cut into her cheek and was causing major irritation.  Hopefully, it will go away before she has to go on antibodies.  Darn it.